Friday, July 24, 2009

Random thoughts I had while talking to people today.....

1. Who chose that outfit for you this morning? Were you drunk? Do you have a mental deficiency?

2. What is this guys name? I can't just keep calling him "Eyebrows" in my head forever.

3. I swear if you say "Aaaaaallllrighty then" one more time, I'm going to punch you in the nads.

4. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care

5. Go away, go away, go away

6. Shut up, shut up, shhhuuuuuut uuuuuupppppp!!!!

7. This man has the largest head I've ever seen. How does his neck not snap?

8. What color is chartreuse?

9. What wrong turn did I take in my life, that I find myself here, at this moment, right now, listening to this moron drone on and on?

10. Does the fact that I have a wonky sciatic nerve mean I'm getting old?

1 comment:

The Samples Sampler said...

I think #4, 5 and 6 all the time when people are talking me! Glad to know I'm not the only one!

Forever 21

Today is Dagan's 22nd birthday.....a birthday he won't get to celebrate in this earthly plane.  A birthday he will instead celebrate...