Thursday, May 7, 2009

May Day!! May Day!!

(First of all here are my thoughts on last nights American Idol results show. Paula Abdul.....please stop singing.....stop singing now. You are an embarrassment. Geez!! Even with a synthesized microphone you sounded like crap. However, I totally fell in love with Chris Daughtery all over again. That man is awesome. Stunned to see Allison get the boot before Kris, but I did say at the beginning of the season that the men were stronger and it was going to be a guy to win it I guess I was right)

Where is the time going?

It's MAY already??

It's May seventh for pete's sake!

By the way, who is this Pete guy?

Didn't I just say Happy New Year and propose my list of inaccomplishable (new word, look it up) resolutions!?

We're really almost half way through '09.

Holy smokes.

Randall just mentioned there were only 34 school days left.WHAT!? Summer vacation already!*Whine*Cry*Sob*

This all means that...

-end of the school year gifts

-band concert


-Open House

-report cards

-summer clothes shopping

-end of the year party

-summer camps sign ups

-me in a bathing suit *hold on while I get a paper bag to breathe into*

It also means my oldest will be heading to SEVENTH grade.

My youngest will be going in to Kindergarten


Time, could ya slow down, just a tad?!


The Samples Sampler said...

I was shocked to see Alison go before Kris. Craziness! And I am pretty sure Paula was lip synching, which makes the whole performance even worse! And what was she wearing? Who does she think she is: Brittany Spears? I wish the judges would have judged her performance! Haha!

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Forever 21

Today is Dagan's 22nd birthday.....a birthday he won't get to celebrate in this earthly plane.  A birthday he will instead celebrate...