As the year draws to a close, I've been thinking a lot about what 2018 looked like in my little corner of the world. It was chock full of some really good things, some really bad things, and a lot of in between things, as years tend to do.
As far as my personal life goes, the best thing I started to do this year was a thankful list. I got the idea after reading a blog post about how we can train our brains to focus on the positive things in life.
The theory behind the list, is that if you know that at the end of the day you're going to have to list 5 (or more) things that you were thankful for that day, you will eventually start LOOKING for little things to be thankful for. So where typically you may have hit 3 green lights in a row on your morning commute and thought nothing of it, when your perspective is more one of gratitude, your brain notices those green lights and flags them as something good to add to your list at the end of the day. I was intrigued by the concept and started to give it a go.
It is TRULY life changing.
And, the biggest reason I know it is life changing is that when I've had a bad day (or 4), I noticed that I stopped doing it. And I could see a big difference in my perspective, and how I viewed my day.
Calling out the small things in life to be thankful for has completely shifted my thought processes. I mean, if I'm going to let a few small bad things that happen to me ruin my day, why can't I do the same with the few, seemingly insignificant, good things that happen every day?
A small (and seemingly ridiculous, but go with me on this) example of this is tea. If I hit the drive through for a tea, and it's cool (or at least not warm enough), I'm going to be a little annoyed. But if I get to work, and my tea is still hot, I don't really think about it because tea is supposed to be hot. But if I know that I need 5 little things to be thankful for, I'm going to be like, "Yes! Hot tea! This is awesome, and it's going on my list today!"
If you're thinking about 2019 goals/resolutions/intentions -- then this is a great one to start. It so simple, but so impactful. It is both doable, and completely life changing.
So grab yourself a small notebook, or open up the notes tab on your phone. At the end of every day, write down 5 things you are thankful for. Don't include the big things, like your family and friends -- just the little things from THAT day (like green lights or hot tea). It can be surprisingly difficult the first few days, but that's kind of the point. Train your brain to be happily surprised and thankful for those little things.
I promise you won't regret it.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Just Slow Down
Sunday, December 9, 2018
How To Spend Your December
It's the most magical month of the yeeeaaar! There are 31 glorious days this month, and I have a few ideas of how to spend some of those days.
1. Start an advent calendar/reading plan. Yes, we're a few days late. Yes, we can still do it.
2. Donate to those in need. There are likely things in your kitchen that you can donate to a local food bank, and you wouldn't even miss them. But, they could sure make someone else's holiday a whole lot better.
3. Make a playlist of your favorite Christmas songs. Blast said playlist loudly and as often as possible.
4. Decorate for Christmas. Whether you go all out of opt for a mini-tree; do what makes you happy.
5. Watch "Elf". Not in the Christmas spirit yet? I've got just the cure.
6. Mail someone a Christmas card. Bonus points if it's someone who wouldn't expect it.
7. Look up festive things happening in your town this month. Pick a few and go out and do them.
8. Get some holiday flavored coffee, hot chocolate or cider. There's nothing that pairs better with a great holiday movie, or a mid-day pick-me-up.
9. Declutter. Especially if you have kids who will be receiving lots of new clothes/toys this Christmas. It's a perfect time to donate no longer loved items.
10. Be a secret Santa. There is no better feeling that knowing you've brightened someone's holiday mood.
11. Bake Christmas treats. Keep them for yourself or share them with your friends.
12. Watch your favorite Christmas movie. (See #5)
13. Watch a Christmas movie you've never seen before.
14. Take pictures with Santa. Take your kid or your pet and then please share these pictures.
15. Get dressed up. There's just something about getting dressed up in December. You can get fancier than normal and it just feels right.
16. Do something that has nothing to do with your to-do list. Take a break and check in with yourself. Don't get so busy doing all the things that you don't enjoy this season.
17. Have a dinner party. Whether you invite over the whole neighborhood or just cook your favorite festive things and watch a movie, both are perfect.
How will you be spending December?
1. Start an advent calendar/reading plan. Yes, we're a few days late. Yes, we can still do it.
2. Donate to those in need. There are likely things in your kitchen that you can donate to a local food bank, and you wouldn't even miss them. But, they could sure make someone else's holiday a whole lot better.
3. Make a playlist of your favorite Christmas songs. Blast said playlist loudly and as often as possible.
4. Decorate for Christmas. Whether you go all out of opt for a mini-tree; do what makes you happy.
5. Watch "Elf". Not in the Christmas spirit yet? I've got just the cure.
6. Mail someone a Christmas card. Bonus points if it's someone who wouldn't expect it.
7. Look up festive things happening in your town this month. Pick a few and go out and do them.
8. Get some holiday flavored coffee, hot chocolate or cider. There's nothing that pairs better with a great holiday movie, or a mid-day pick-me-up.
9. Declutter. Especially if you have kids who will be receiving lots of new clothes/toys this Christmas. It's a perfect time to donate no longer loved items.
10. Be a secret Santa. There is no better feeling that knowing you've brightened someone's holiday mood.
11. Bake Christmas treats. Keep them for yourself or share them with your friends.
12. Watch your favorite Christmas movie. (See #5)
13. Watch a Christmas movie you've never seen before.
14. Take pictures with Santa. Take your kid or your pet and then please share these pictures.
18. Make your last-minute Christmas shopping a festive celebration. Last minute shopping used to stress me out to NO END. But the last few years, I've made it into a celebration...Christmas music, peppermint mochas, enjoying all the store's decorations.
19. Go to a Christmas service. Regardless of your faith, there's something incredibly peaceful about Christmas services.
20. Go look at Christmas lights.
21. Have the MOST lazy day. Yesterday was probably crazy, take a break today!
22. Spend some time reflecting on 2018. What do you hope to be different in 2019?
23. Write 2018 a letter.
24. Set some goals! Whatcha gonna do with this new year headed your way?
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Easy Ways To Be Happy
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
If I Could Tell You Anything
If I could tell you anything -- I mean anything.....and you would believe me, here's what I'd say.
You are enough. You are so enough. I know that you probably don't think so, and when you look at your life as a whole, the first thing you notice is the places where you don't feel like you are enough. But listen to me, you beautiful creature, you: You are enough. I think that sometimes we feel like we're not enough because we keep forcing things on ourselves that were never meant for us. We try to wear hats we were never meant to wear, try to fill positions we were never meant to fill, try to be things for people that we were never meant to be. But the things that were meant for you? Oh, babe. You are more than enough.
You are loved. More than you know.
You are a force to be reckoned with. You're gifted in such specific ways. When you recognize those areas and use those things, watch out, world.
Sometimes the right choice and the right feelings come at different times. So if you're feeling crappy about that decision you had to make because you know in your gut it was the right thing to do, hold on just a little longer. Emotions are fickle things, and it can take them awhile to catch up.
The small steps you're taking are adding up. So keep up the work. I know it's hard to not see instant results when you feel like you're working hard. It sucks to not see a big paycheck or a toned stomach or a restored relationship right away, but I promise, the work you're doing will get you there. Those small steps are leading you to the right place. Keep taking them. Keep working hard.
Happy Tuesday, friends! I am sending much love your way today.
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Believe in YOU!!!
Monday, May 7, 2018
Don't Apologize For Who You Are
Saturday, May 5, 2018
To My Max on Your 18th Birthday
Dear Max;
We made it, Buddy! Happy 18th birthday! Do you feel any different than you did yesterday? Maybe you should. Today marks the day that you can legally vote (Please do so deliberately and carefully), purchase cigarettes (Please don't ruin those perfectly healthy lungs. I invested 9 months in their creation!), enter into binding contracts (Beware of unnecessary debt...which pretty much means any and all debt), and fight and die for your country (Let's hope it never comes to that).
Since this is such a momentous occasion, I thought I would write you a very personal letter (and then post it on the internet for the whole world to see). Today is both a wonderful and miserable day for me. I've found myself vacillating between exuberant celebration for having successfully birthed, raised, taught, nurtured, and released out into the world a productive and thoughtful member of society...and getting lost in a bottle of vodka, drunk with sadness because my baby is all grown up.
Some days I miss that tiny baby...and the sweet chubby toddler...and the trusting innocent child that you were. You see time is in ways a mother's worst enemy. It in small stages robs her of her babies. It seems as if one day I reached out to kiss you on the cheek and suddenly had to look up instead of reach down. And in the place of my precious baby boy stood a grown man. It's humbling and beautiful and exciting...even if it is somewhat bittersweet for me.
I know that I often view you through mom-colored glasses, seeing only your best qualities and elements of your nature...the rougher edges made foggy as they are viewed through love. But I do know that you have grown into a thoughtful, respectful, intelligent, and freethinking person. I am proud and humbled to have in small ways helped you on that journey.
The journey hasn't been an easy one. I was really still a kid when you came along, already trying to raise one crazy toddler. I still knew very little about being a parent (although I was sure I had it all figured out. I mean...I hadn't completely screwed your older brother up, yet. How hard could it possibly be?) and we had to grow together. I apologize for my many mistakes and shortcomings. And while there were many times I understood why in some species of animals mothers eat their young, I am mostly grateful we weren't born guppies or hamsters or polar bears. Because had I devoured you in some moment of frazzled motherhood exhaustion and desperation, I would have missed out on so many moments of deep joy and friendship.
Yes...friendship. I count it as my greatest success and reward as a parent to have helped raise someone so wonderfully witty and caring and profound, that I would seek you as a friend even if we didn't share DNA and hormonal bonding. I am as proud to call you my friend as I am to call you my son.
You've stretched my heart in the same way you once stretched my body. Those silvery lines of stretchmarks are lasting signs of how you grew too big for my body to hold. I imagine similar silvery stretchmarks on my heart (metaphorical of course, because....OUCH.)...which also wasn't big enough in the beginning to hold all of my love for you. Sometimes it still feels like it isn't big enough, and that I might just burst open (But then who would have to clean THAT mess up?).
I've been thinking for several months now about all of the wonderful cliched grown-up advice I should give you on this, your first day of legal adulthood. Things like:
- Remember who you are.
- Be confident, but stay humble.
- Don't forget to floss.
- Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself.
- Never make eye contact while eating a banana.
- Be a voice not an echo.
- Please, please, please don't get in an accident if you aren't wearing clean underwear.
- The grass is only greener on the other side because it's fertilized with bullshit.
- You were born an original. Don't die a copy.
And most importantly:
But I tossed out the list. I've always been the kind of mother who doesn't tell you what to do (unless it's the 10th time I've asked you to take out the trash...or do the dishes...or to absolutely not under any circumstances kill your little brother!). Instead I've let you figure most things out on your own, to make your own decisions and mistakes, to give advice and boundaries in ways that still let you seek your heart's desire. Why should I start telling you what to do now? I know you are going to be just fine, probably much more than fine.
Welcome to the adult world, Buddy. I assure you it isn't quite everything that it's hyped up to be. But it isn't as bad as some people make it out to be, either. In fact, it's pretty much what you make it. I know you'll make it a beautiful one (in much the same way you've made mine beautiful). So your life is no longer in my's in your own. But remember that no matter where this adventure might lead you...I will always be your mother, and your friend...and your number one fan.
Your momma
Your momma
Friday, May 4, 2018
You Are Enough
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Being a Better Person
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
You Take The Good, You Take The Bad......
You take them both, and there you have the facts of life. :P (OK, enough reminiscing about my childhood TV habits.)
Dear You,
You will have good days. Days that make you happy to be alive. Days that make you thankful that you are the one living your life. Days where you notice how good even the little things are--the way the sun is shining, the way your favorite song makes you feel, the way your heart beats in your chest after a workout.
You will have bad days. Days where it feels hard to just be alive. Days that you wish you could have been dealt a different hand in life. Days where you notice how bad even the little things are--the way the check engine light only comes on when you're already upset, the way you can't sleep through the night anymore, the way that absolutely nothing is going the way it is supposed to go.
Life is made up of both of these days. I wish that I could say there was always a balance, but there's not. Some seasons are made up of mostly good days, but some are made up of mostly bad days, with no breaks in between. No matter how many good days you've had, the bad ones still suck. The fact that you've had good days doesn't make the bad days hurt less. But the good news is that when the good days show up, they show up with all their good day magic, no matter how many bad days you've had.
On the good days: Live them to the fullest. Celebrate every tiny, warm, perfect, delicious detail. Don't waste a single minute of them looking ahead to what might happen in the future or thinking about bad things that have already happened. Just live the good days, in the moment, as they come. Let them remind you how good life can be.
On the bad days: Remember that you'll be okay. If history is any indication, you have a pretty good track record of making it through these. It's okay that the smallest things upset you. It's okay that you feel convinced that the whole world is against you today. If you can find nothing else good, remember that having a bad day means you are still alive, and that's something. Let the bad day just be a bad day, ask for help if you need it, and go to bed with the hope that tomorrow will be a good day.
You will have good days and bad days. You will make it through both. Both will shape the wonderful, magical person you are. And both are a reminder of the incredible, phenomenal gift: You are alive.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
You Can Do It
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Poison or Fruit
I spend a lot of time thinking about words. Words for a blog post, words for a story, words for Instagram captions. I love words. I think they can change the world.
We've probably all been told at some point or another to be careful with our words. That they can hurt people. Sticks and stones, and all that.
I've always paid attention to how parents talk to their kids, but after I had kids, it's something I noticed even more. I find it heartbreaking how easily it seems to come to some people to say belittling and hurtful things to their child.
In the age of Trump, we've all got those friends who feel the need to share their seemingly ignorant and unresearched opinions on the daily...the ones who will call you a range of colorful names when you disagree with them.
It's likely that you daily see examples of people (including yourself, probably!) who should have been more careful with their words. And by that, I mean they probably just never should have said them.
There's a verse that says "Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit-you choose." I love that. I love viewing our words as something so powerful...they can nourish or they can kill. I think that sometimes, we remember that we should be careful with what we say, but we forget how much power our words are capable of.
I think this is something I'll probably always struggle with. For most of my life I have been very nonconfrontational and avoided disrupting peace at all costs. Then some things happened where I really wish I would have spoken up and not been such a doormat, and that translated into me feeling like I had to say my opinion on everything, every time. Neither one of those sides is good. There's a middle ground in there somewhere.
I strongly believe you should vaccinate your kids. But do I need to say that to every single parent I come in contact with? No. It makes my blood boil when I hear people so casually say they won't be voting, because I think that it's a precious right that came at a very high cost. But do I need to write a lengthy Facebook post about it every single day? Nope. Then there are some things that are just too big and too important to stay silent on.
So yes, we should be careful with our words. But in remembering how powerful they are, we can't forget to use them.
Your words are a powerful sword that you get to choose how to wield. In the simplest sense, you can use them to build someone up or tear them down. In a deeper sense, you can use them to argue pointlessly, or you can use them to change the world. You choose.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
The Happiness Project -- Week 4
Friday, March 30, 2018
The Happiness Project -- Week 3
Saturday, March 17, 2018
The Happiness Project -- Week 2
Friday, March 16, 2018
Where Everyone Belongs
Saturday, March 10, 2018
The Happiness Project -- Week One
I challenge ALL of you to try this first week with me, and let me know how it works out for you.
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Forever 21
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