Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Baby is 16!

Dear Ryker:

How can it be possible that sixteen years have passed since the first time I held you in my arms? I remember every detail about your birth, and often replay that day in my head – wishing I could go back and relive it one more time. You were my last-born; the one who perfectly bookended your oldest brother and solidified our family.  You have created a love inside of me so fierce, so unbreakable, so unending, and so unconditional. I am incredibly lucky to have been chosen to be your mom. I really must have done something right in life to have been given a child like you.

You have grown into an amazing young man. You are that person that I always wished I could be. You are handsome, confident, smart, and well-liked by everyone. You shine in everything you do. Even though you are the "baby", your siblings look up to you, as do your friends and anyone who enters your orbit.

Please know how incredibly proud I am of you. I know I have been hard on you at times. I set high expectations that you sometimes feel are impossible to reach. Let me reassure you that you have never ever disappointed me. I set those expectations because I want you to achieve everything you have ever wanted. I want all of your greatest dreams to come true. I never want you to feel undeserving of anything, because you deserve the absolute best that life has to offer.

I want you to keep that confidence you have now, and continue to try new things; to meet new people. You never know what door will open if you just put yourself out there. You will make mistakes, but it’s okay because that’s how you learn lessons and become a better person. I’ve certainly made my share of them, and still make them today. Those mistakes created the path to the amazing life I have today.

To be honest, you have probably taught me more than I think I’ve taught you.  You choose to see the good in people, and stand up for others even when you are standing alone. I’ll probably still lecture you simply because I am your mom and that’s what we do, but following your examples, my life has become much more fulfilling.

It amazes me how people are drawn to you. I can send you to a basketball camp half way across the province, knowing nobody, and you come home with a dozen new best friends. I admire your quiet strength in the way you accept the unfair things that happen to you (no 16th birthday party, not getting to take your driver's test today, no camps this summer.....stupid COVID). You keep moving forward, never letting them drag you down.

I hope your birthday is everything you dreamed it could be. Remember how loved you are. You are forever my sweet baby, your dad’s sidekick,  and your brother’s best friend. We will all always be here for you – your biggest fans.

Your story is just beginning. I can’t wait to watch you write it.
I love you times infinity.

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