Friday, October 16, 2020

There's Always Something to be Thankful For


Every single day, I give thanks to the universe for something in my life - big or small.  I try to aim for three things, but sometimes I'm a miserable witch and can only come up with one.  I honestly believe that I won't, and shouldn't, get anything else, material or immaterial, without acknowledging what I already have.

We often take for granted the very things that deserve our gratitude: our health, the roof over our head, the heat warming out home, the food in the fridge, the jobs that allow us to pay for these things, the fact that a Tim Horton's ice capp is never more than 5 blocks know, the important things.

I challenge you to not only say you're thankful - but to live like you are.

The following is a list of things I'm grateful for.  It is in no way complete, and is totally off the cuff.  What's on your list.

I'm grateful for:

1.  My family -- both the one I was born into and the one I've chosen through marriage and through my friendships.  I have some AMAZING sisters that I don't share any DNA with.

2.  For my comfortable, clean, lived-in home; where there are always friends and family around.  Where my kids know there is always a full pantry and fridge.  Movies, games, and sports are regular bonding moments, and everyone knows they can come for food, comfort, conversation, and love.

3.  For my goofy dog, and the unadulterated joy he brings into our lives.

4.  That I have a husband who cooks and makes sure we are always well fed. (My favorite dish.....and yes, the husband made this)

5. For DVR and Netflix.....we are pretty much homebodies, and we love to snuggle up and binge (if there's not a game on)

6.  For music -- I am forever grateful that I've been blessed with the musical gifts that I have.  I love music in almost every form and genre, and I'm lucky to be able to share that with people.

7.  For my freedom, and those who put their lives on the line every day so that I can keep it.

8.  For books....all of the books.  Some women want a million cats.....I just want all the books.

I could go on and on.....and maybe next Thanksgiving I'll do this again, because it's not that hard to find things to be thankful for and reasons to be grateful.



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