Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Oblivious or Obnoxious?

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to today’s episode of OBLIVIOUS OR OBNOXIOUS?

Yes, it’s the game show where we describe several real-life scenarios and you decide which character flaw best describes the offender.

Scenario number one:

You park in the elementary school parking lot to pick up your child from school.

When you get back to the car you discover a Cadillac Escalade parked illegally and perpendicularly thereby blocking you in.

Seven minutes later the owner of the car comes out with her fifth grader and climbs into her massive vehicle without giving you a second glance.

So, audience,which is it?


Next scenario:

You are in the supermarket trying to make your way down the cereal aisle.

There are two carts parked side by side forming an impenetrable barrier, but no cart-pushers in sight.

As you nudge one of the carts out of the way you hear an exaggerated “huff” behind you. You glance backwards only to get the ol’ stink eye.


Our final situation:

You go to a restaurant to grab a sandwich for lunch. The place is mobbed, customers wander around aimlessly with their trays in hand looking for a place to sit down. A man sits with an empty plate and coffee cup while reading a newspaper.


We’ll tally up the answers left on the comments board and find out what you think.

Are most people obnoxious with a Herculean sense of entitlement or are they oblivious –so wrapped up in their own selfish universe to take other people into consideration?

Tune in next time when we look at chronically late people on…



Mark and Emily said...

Hmmmm, I would have to go with obnoxious, oblivious and oblivious. That cart thing happened to me just yesterday at Walmart!

Anonymous said...

okay lose that last obnoxious[i just really like that word]liz

Anonymous said...

My first instinct is to say: obnoxious, obnoxious, and oblivious. But then wait...maybe not. The more I think about it I just think they're all just selfish and rude! I think they all might be BOTH!
Love ya, ME

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