Friday, June 19, 2015

Get To Know Me From These Super Accurate Quizzes

You know those quizzes you see popping up on people's Facebook that look stupid but somehow suck you in to answering the stupid questions and getting some stupid description of yourself?  I may be guilty of answering a few of them from time to time.  I thought that I would answer some that were recommended to me by the fairies or minions that shove them onto my computer screen.  We all know that these quizzes are scientific, well-planned, and highly accurate.  So let's see what they have to say about me.

Which 80s Alt. Group Wrote The Soundtrack Of Your Life?

The soundtrack of your life was written by Siouxsie and the Banshees! You're experimental and so over labels. You like what you like, and won't let anyone judge you for venturing into things that are more popular, or perhaps, highly unusual. You refuse to compromise who you are for approval. Siouxsie and the Banshees' howling vocals, strange lyrics, and solid drumming leave you spellbound.
(I've never even heard of this band -- and it doesn't really sound like something I'd listen to.  "Howling vocals" is not a strong selling point)

Which Iconic Woman Are You?

You are Lucille Ball.  You are the most hilarious person ever. You make us laugh when we want to cry, and always keep us guessing. You have done the impossible and broken records. You are always full of surprises. You keep us smiling no matter what you do.
(Meh, I don't really think I'm that funny.....but the test never lies - lol)

Which Female Literary Character Are You?

You got Jo March. You are someone who is creative, clever, and outspoken.  You are considered the leader of the group who always comes up with the best ideas for things to do. You are thoughtful and caring when it comes to your friends and family.  You have a hot temper that can sometimes get you in trouble.  You are also extremely passionate about the things you love and sharing that with others who don't agree can get you riled up. You love to be around lots of people so you can tell jokes and share stories.

(Now that sounds a little more like me)

Which Strong Female Detective Are You?

Like Broadchurch's Ellie Miller, you're strong, sensitive, and compassionate.  You're able to connect with anyone once you put your mind to it - there's something about you that people just trust.
(I like to think that this sounds like me. I've never seen this show; I may have to check it out)

Which Type of Humor Do You Have?

You have surreal humor.  You have the most absurd sense of humor. You are fascinated by trippy and bizarre things and are always incorporating the most creepy, yet hilarious elements of life into your jokes. Your humor is a mix between dark humor, sarcasm, outrageous comedic brilliance, sexual innuendo and slap stick. You are easily entertained by almost every type of comedy and use all of the crazy experiences in your life to inspire hilarious jokes to cheer anyone up.
(Holy crap, internet quiz!  I think you nailed this one right on the head.)

Which Nickname is Perfect for You?

Look out for the DRAGON! You are a fierce and loyal individual who will protect those you love at any cost! Fiery and passionate, you fly through the night sky like the majestic creature that you are!
(Heck yeah!  From now on, I will only answer to the name Dragon -- that is badass)

Who is Your Game Of Thrones Soulmate?

You got Tyrion Lannister.  When it comes to partners in crime it's brain and not brawn that matter, right?  Like Tyrion, you're sharp as a tack and aren't fooled by anyone.  Have a large glass of wine because you are Tyrion are meant to be buddies for life.
(I LOVE Peter Dinklage!  And as a complete sapiosexual, I totally dig a man with brains)

What Kind of Man Will You Fall in Love With?

*Let me preface this by saying that I am have already found the man I will fall in love with, and after almost 18 years of marriage, this description suites him to almost a T.*

The Alpha Male.  Loyal, passionate and driven, you’re going to fall in love with the consummate alpha male! Not only will he create the life he wants for himself, but he’ll make room for an independent and intelligent woman like you, too! Sure, he’s a bit competitive, but this quality will come in handy when he’s trying to win your heart! He’s out there looking for you to help him shape and conquer the world! Go get him, girl!

What is Your Subconscious Obsessed With?

Your subconscious is obsessed with knowledge! The pictures you have selected suggest that you have one the most curious minds we have ever seen! Your subconscious is always looking for something new to learn, new sights to see, practically anything that would give a nice exercise session to that big brain of yours, and help you advance in life. You are a very passionate and patient person, and that combination helps you to truly immerse yourself in a subject without feeling the need for 'Quick Fixes' or feeling bored. Keep it up, you have a lot to learn! 
(Awesome.  I like to think I'm a pretty smart chick, and am always looking for new things to learn about.)

So do you answer these silly quizzes?  How accurate do you think they are?

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