Monday, June 24, 2013

Soccer Season End Round Up

I was going to post this on Saturday night because I needed to get some pictures off my camera, but for some reason my computer isn't recognizing them. *sigh*.

So, you'll have to do with the ones I got.

The season started out pretty rough.....we lost every single game.

I tried not to be bummed at all the games Ryker's team lost.  After all, this was his first year ever playing soccer.  And, honestly, he didn't seem to mind not winning.  He just loved being out on the field.  He loved the game; playing, watching, cheering on his teammates.

He was one of  the three best players on the team.....which is odd since most of us aren't sports minded in this house.  But he ran his butt off every game.  Even when he knew they would lose the game, even knowing they had no chance of catching up.  He would run up and down the field, running, passing, cheering for his friends..  I have never seen such a work ethic in a young, new athlete in my life.  He just LOVES the game.\

He's already told me he wants to take summer camps, play indoor soccer every fall and outdoor soccer every spring.  So it looks like I am literally now a "soccer mom".


1 comment:

Your Mama said...

SOOOOOO glad I was there to see the last game....YAY Ryker!

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