Sunday, May 24, 2009

You learned about WHAT in church today?!?!?

Today we were sitting in sacrament meeting at church. It was ward conference, so the Stake President was speaking (really cool guy, by the way). But he seemed to have a bit of a sinus cold, and sounded somewhat stuffed up.

Anyhow, he was talking about the young men and the Aaronic priesthood. Drew leans over to me, and asks, "Mom, what's the erotic priesthood"? I had to bite my tongue off to stop myself from laughing out loud and disrupting the meeting. (We are not a house full of heathens, I promise).

Anyway, after explaining that he heard wrong, everything was fine. (Hee hee hee......) Dang TV. What the heck are they teaching our kids anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! Erin that is hilarious! Oh out of the mouths of!

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