Saturday, January 30, 2010

Things You May Not Know

OK, so with sweet little momma Emily laid up in the hospital until her twins can safely be born, I've decided to try and write a new blog post every day so that she has something new to read each day. I'm a boredom killer. LOL.

So, I thought up a few things to tell you that you possibly don't know about me.

I can't sew

or dance

or bake

I've never seen the movie "Office Space"

or "Casablanca"

or any of "The Godfather" series

I don't think The Office

or Seinfeld are funny

I've never watched an episode of Big Brother

or The Bachelor

1 comment:

Mark and Emily said...

WHAT??????! First of all no Office Space, that movie is hilarious...but then The Office...I think I'm in shock!! Good for you for never watching the Batchelor or Big Brother, I envy your ability to turn the channel from these horrible reality shows - how do you do it?!

I think this is the best thing anyone could do to help me get through my days here, you're the best!!

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