Saturday, March 21, 2009

About me and the mister

I was tagged by a girlfriend in her blog and was asked to answer a few questions about me and the husband. SO without further ado....since you're all dying to know. (Ha ha ha )

What are your middle names? ~ Mine is Rebecca, hubby's is Ross

How long have you been together? ~ 13 years (We'll be married for 12 this fall)

How long did you know each other before you started dating? ~ A week, I think

Who asked whom out? ~ Hubby asked me.

How old are each of you? ~ I am 32, hubby 42

Whose siblings do you see the most? ~ Mine, the hubby's only sibling was killed in an accident almost 5 yrs ago.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? ~ Right now it's that hubster is not working (but we're hoping that will change next week)

Did you go to the same school? ~ No.

Are you from the same home town? ~ No.

Who is smarter? ~ Well, he's business and street smarts, I'm more book and people smarts.

Who is the most sensitive? ~Me.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? ~ We like to change it up. When we lived in Dallas our favorite place was Fogo de Chao.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? ~ Honolulu, Hawaii and it was amazing!

Who has the craziest exes? ~ Him for sure

Who has the worst temper? Both.

Who does the cooking? ~ Should be hubby, since he is a chef. But he's taught me a lot and I actually love doing most of the cooking.

Who is the neat-freak? ~ Neither one of us. I like organization but I don't have time to be a clean freak.

Who is more stubborn? ~ Him

Who hogs the bed? ~ Neither of us, we have a king and do just fine. I kind of like being able to touch him; not have him on the other side of the room.

Who wakes up earlier? Hubby has been leaving for work at 5am. Crazy!

Where was your first date? ~We went hiking in Waterton.

Who is more jealous? ~Neither one of us is a jealous person.

How long did it take to get serious? ~ A month to 6 weeks, not long.

Who eats more? ~ I know because of his size, people expect me to say Hubby, but I'd say we're both pretty even on that one.

Who does the laundry? ~Ross couldn't find our laundry room if I drew him a map.

Who's better with the computer? ~ Hubster

Who drives when you are together? ~ If it's just a quick drive, or around town and stuff then hubby will drive. But longer trips we tend to split it up. I think he has "driving narcolepsy". He seriously can't drive more than an hour without starting to fall asleep.

1 comment:

Mark and Emily said...

Ohh, where is Fogo De Chao? Is it really expensive? I'm leaving tomorrow for Dallas!!!! I may facebook you.

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